among all the cards i have, there are a small handful of them marked with a tiny "Not for sale" on the back. they seem to be promotional cards, and were probably included with other things and not for sale on their own like all the others. there's few enough of them i could have worked them in on other pages, but i figured i'd be Maximum Organised and put them in their own place.

NFS??. Taikoubou & Suupuushan
NFS??. Soushou
NFS??. Kou Tenshou

soushou's and tenshou's cards are pretty obviously promotional material for the wonderswan games. my copy of senkaiden ni actually came with a tenshou card, so soushou probably originally came with the senkaiden game too. i'm not sure what taikoubou and suupuushan's card could be a promo for, but it's fun to think about